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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thank a Georgia Legislator!

The entrance on this side of the City Service Center in Columbus, GA does not have security scanning devices.  

HB 60 allows guns to be carried into buildings which do not have these rather expensive systems.

Now there is just one public entrance, which does have security systems.  It is all the way around the other side of this lovely, large building.

Hope you don't mind a long walk.

Throughout the 2014 General Assembly session,  Georgians worked tirelessly to educate legislators and the public about the long-term public safety threats that the many versions of the “Safe Carry Protection Act” represented.
A majority of Georgians opposed the language in these bills, members of the GunSense GA Coalition analyzed and tracked the many harmful variations of HB 87, SB 93 and HB 60 -- designed to open up new locations where weapons could be carried and to shield concealed weapons permit holders from the inconvenience of law enforcement scrutiny.

This parade of gun bills, and their revisions, took place in an atmosphere of secrecy and political maneuvering.
The safety and well-being of all of the residents of Georgia,  was deliberately compromised by a few politicians who knew better, but were acting for their own political gain – trading our safety for their political ambitions.


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