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Monday, February 23, 2015
Armed Society: Adjusting a holster leads to gun owner's death
Self-inflicted gun shot ends woman's life
"A WOMAN died after accidentally shooting herself in the head while adjusting a gun she kept in her bra holster."
"Christina Bond, 55, a former US navy officer, was looking down the barrel of the .22-calibre revolver when she accidentally pulled the trigger and shot herself in the eye."
"Carrie Lightfoot, owner of the Well Armed Woman store, told the USA Today newspaper that bra holsters were growing in popularity."
Armed Society: A Gun on Every Corner (NYTimes)
NY Times, Gail Collins: A Gun on Every Corner
"The N.R.A. doesn’t want to recruit members by arguing for Texans’ right to wave a pistol around the small appliance department at Target. It wants a big, meaty challenge — like fighting for looser gun regulation in states where the populace doesn’t want looser gun regulation."
"The N.R.A. doesn’t want to recruit members by arguing for Texans’ right to wave a pistol around the small appliance department at Target. It wants a big, meaty challenge — like fighting for looser gun regulation in states where the populace doesn’t want looser gun regulation."
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Armed society: Concealed Carry’s Body Count
NY Times: Concealed Carry’s Body Count
"In America’s endless debate about gun rights versus public safety, there should be no disputing the hard facts in a new report on gunshot fatalities showing that at least 722 nonself-defense deaths since 2007 were attributable to individuals with legal permits to carry concealed weapons."
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Shooting: 3 killed in North Carolina
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Documentary about Jordan Davis wins award at Sundance
Documentary about Jordan Davis wins special jury award (social impact) at Sundance
"On Black Friday 2012, four middle-class African-American law-abiding teenagers stopped at a gas station to buy gum and cigarettes. One of them, Jordan Davis, argued with Michael Dunn, a white man parked beside them, over the volume of music playing in their car. The altercation turned to tragedy when Dunn fired 10 bullets at the unarmed boys, killing Davis almost instantly. The seamlessly constructed, riveting documentary film 3½ MINUTES explores the danger and subjectivity of Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense laws by weaving Dunn's trial with a chorus of citizen and pundit opinions, and with Jordan Davis's parents' wrenching experiences in and out of the courtroom."
"On Black Friday 2012, four middle-class African-American law-abiding teenagers stopped at a gas station to buy gum and cigarettes. One of them, Jordan Davis, argued with Michael Dunn, a white man parked beside them, over the volume of music playing in their car. The altercation turned to tragedy when Dunn fired 10 bullets at the unarmed boys, killing Davis almost instantly. The seamlessly constructed, riveting documentary film 3½ MINUTES explores the danger and subjectivity of Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense laws by weaving Dunn's trial with a chorus of citizen and pundit opinions, and with Jordan Davis's parents' wrenching experiences in and out of the courtroom."
GUNSENSE: Virginia - no to guns on school grounds
GUNSENSE: Virginia - no to guns on school grounds
"The state Senate on Monday defeated a measure that would have allowed firearms on school property during nonschool activities, but it passed a bill that would let Virginians with valid concealed-carry handgun permits transport loaded shotguns or rifles in their vehicles."
"The state Senate on Monday defeated a measure that would have allowed firearms on school property during nonschool activities, but it passed a bill that would let Virginians with valid concealed-carry handgun permits transport loaded shotguns or rifles in their vehicles."
GUNSENSE: Washington State - Bill proposes guns to be taken from 'extreme risk' people
GUNSENSE: Washington State - extreme risk bill
"According to a draft of the bill, a person with a pattern of violent acts or threats, drug abuse, brandishing weapons recklessly or domestic violence, among other acts, could have their firearms taken away by authorities. Judges would also be allowed to consider whether a person has violated a harassment restraining order and whether the person has bought guns within the last six months."
"According to a draft of the bill, a person with a pattern of violent acts or threats, drug abuse, brandishing weapons recklessly or domestic violence, among other acts, could have their firearms taken away by authorities. Judges would also be allowed to consider whether a person has violated a harassment restraining order and whether the person has bought guns within the last six months."
AFTERMATH: shooting victim still unable to help investigators
AFTERMATH: shooting victim still unable to help investigators
The ripple effect: every shooting affects a number of people, and injuries can require lengthy hospitalizations.
"Two weeks after a shooting at a Musella welding shop, former Crawford County Chairman Harold “Doug” Spillers remains hospitalized, unable to tell investigators what happened.
“It’s still touch and go at this point,” said grandson Justin Spillers."
Read more here:"
The ripple effect: every shooting affects a number of people, and injuries can require lengthy hospitalizations.
"Two weeks after a shooting at a Musella welding shop, former Crawford County Chairman Harold “Doug” Spillers remains hospitalized, unable to tell investigators what happened.
“It’s still touch and go at this point,” said grandson Justin Spillers."
Read more here:"
Armed Society: As gun ownership rises, so does the homicide rate
Research: Guns Do Kill People
"The study found that for every 1 percent increase in gun ownership, there was a 1.1 percent increase in the firearm homicide rate and a 0.7 percent increase in the total homicide rate, looking at data from 1980-2010."
"The study found that for every 1 percent increase in gun ownership, there was a 1.1 percent increase in the firearm homicide rate and a 0.7 percent increase in the total homicide rate, looking at data from 1980-2010."
Friday, February 6, 2015
GUNSENSE in PA: new law would require reporting of lost or stolen guns
GUNSENSE in Pennsylvania: report lost or stolen guns within 72 hours
from an Op-Ed by Rep. Madeleine Dean:
"After Plymouth Township Police Officer Brad Fox was killed in the line of duty by a gun acquired through a straw purchase, Pennsylvania enacted a mandatory minimum sentencing law to discourage straw purchasers.
This session I will reintroduce my legislation to work with the Brad Fox law and block or curb the buying of guns for felons.
My legislation would require the reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 72 hours of learning of the loss.
Lost and stolen legislation has received bipartisan support - earning the recommendation of the Joint State Government Commission on Violence Prevention in Pennsylvania. "
from an Op-Ed by Rep. Madeleine Dean:
"After Plymouth Township Police Officer Brad Fox was killed in the line of duty by a gun acquired through a straw purchase, Pennsylvania enacted a mandatory minimum sentencing law to discourage straw purchasers.
This session I will reintroduce my legislation to work with the Brad Fox law and block or curb the buying of guns for felons.
My legislation would require the reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 72 hours of learning of the loss.
Lost and stolen legislation has received bipartisan support - earning the recommendation of the Joint State Government Commission on Violence Prevention in Pennsylvania. "
GUNSENSE: proposed law aims to end the sale of large-capacity ammunition magazines
GUNSENSE in Washington: law would ban high capacity magazines
Bushmaster sued by Sandy Hook families
Gun Manufacturer sued by Sandy Hook families
"In their legal motion, made public on Monday, the families say the rifle shouldn’t have been entrusted to the general public because it is a military-style assault weapon that is unsuited for civilian use, “engineered to deliver maximum carnage with extreme efficiency.” Individuals deemed mentally unfit to operate the weapon can gain access to the firearm, they added. The families ask that the company admits accountability for the consequences of selling the rifle."
"In their legal motion, made public on Monday, the families say the rifle shouldn’t have been entrusted to the general public because it is a military-style assault weapon that is unsuited for civilian use, “engineered to deliver maximum carnage with extreme efficiency.” Individuals deemed mentally unfit to operate the weapon can gain access to the firearm, they added. The families ask that the company admits accountability for the consequences of selling the rifle."
Armed Society: Texas legislator threatened
Armed Society: Texas lawmaker threatened
"Despite all the trouble, Nevarez maintained that the latest video wouldn't affect his decision.
"I'm not gonna let somebody dictate to me how I'm gonna vote on something by threatening my life," he said. "That's not the way the process should work. … It's a mockery of the process that somebody can do this and then the outcome's the way they wanted. They can always look to the fact that they applied this kind of pressure and say that's the result that I got."
Nevarez also said that regardless of the issue, he would vote against physical threats on principle.
"That's not the way anybody should dialogue about a bill, about anything," Nevarez said.
He also said that he likely would have supported some from of open carry had he not been threatened on the issue."
"Despite all the trouble, Nevarez maintained that the latest video wouldn't affect his decision.
"I'm not gonna let somebody dictate to me how I'm gonna vote on something by threatening my life," he said. "That's not the way the process should work. … It's a mockery of the process that somebody can do this and then the outcome's the way they wanted. They can always look to the fact that they applied this kind of pressure and say that's the result that I got."
Nevarez also said that regardless of the issue, he would vote against physical threats on principle.
"That's not the way anybody should dialogue about a bill, about anything," Nevarez said.
He also said that he likely would have supported some from of open carry had he not been threatened on the issue."
GUNSENSE: proposed Indiana law would require 8 hours of training for carry permit
GUNSENSE: Indiana law would mandate classes for gun carry permit
(Senator) Breaux said requiring firearms training for a carry permit "provides the assurance to those of us who are around you with that gun that you know how to operate it safely and appropriately."
(Senator) Breaux said requiring firearms training for a carry permit "provides the assurance to those of us who are around you with that gun that you know how to operate it safely and appropriately."
NRA bullying tactics: massive lawsuits against towns and cities
NRA tactics: massive lawsuits against towns and cities
"The law, Act 192, is an explicit carve-out for gun-rights groups from customary legal procedures—challenges of school-prayer restrictions, for instance, are typically brought by actual students who can show that their rights have been infringed by the restrictions. Not only that, but the law requires that towns and cities pay the legal fees of any plaintiffs who successfully challenge their gun laws in court."
"The law, Act 192, is an explicit carve-out for gun-rights groups from customary legal procedures—challenges of school-prayer restrictions, for instance, are typically brought by actual students who can show that their rights have been infringed by the restrictions. Not only that, but the law requires that towns and cities pay the legal fees of any plaintiffs who successfully challenge their gun laws in court."
"Thought it was unloaded": AK 47
"Thought it was unloaded"
"Huber handed the rifle to Williamson, who believing the rifle was not loaded pulled the trigger, firing the rifle and striking Huber, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Huber was flown to Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach in an unknown condition."
"Huber handed the rifle to Williamson, who believing the rifle was not loaded pulled the trigger, firing the rifle and striking Huber, according to the Sheriff's Office.
Huber was flown to Halifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach in an unknown condition."
Guns and children: 4 year old kills 6 year old; dad to serve 3 years
Guns and children: Dad to get 3 years for child endangerment
"A New Jersey man is expected to be sentenced to a three-year prison term Thursday for failing to secure a loaded .22-caliber rifle with which his 4-year-old son fatally shot a 6-year-old playmate in 2013."
"A New Jersey man is expected to be sentenced to a three-year prison term Thursday for failing to secure a loaded .22-caliber rifle with which his 4-year-old son fatally shot a 6-year-old playmate in 2013."
Guns and liability: a free pass for the industry
Guns and liability: a free pass
"...thanks to a special legal immunity that Congress gave gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers, and their trade associations, in 2005. Unlike any other industry, the gun industry can commit negligence with impunity."
"...thanks to a special legal immunity that Congress gave gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers, and their trade associations, in 2005. Unlike any other industry, the gun industry can commit negligence with impunity."
Campus Carry editorial: "Lousy idea"
University of Texas System Chancellor William McRaven: no to campus carry
“As chancellor of a system educating over 210,000 students and with over 90,000 faculty and staff, my utmost concern is their safety.” — UT System Chancellor William McRaven, in a letter opposing campus carry bill in the Legislature
“As chancellor of a system educating over 210,000 students and with over 90,000 faculty and staff, my utmost concern is their safety.” — UT System Chancellor William McRaven, in a letter opposing campus carry bill in the Legislature
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
17 Months Later, Washington Navy Yard Reopens
Washington Navy Yard Reopens
"Hundreds of Navy Yard employees reclaimed Building 197 as their workplace Monday, returning for their first official day back since 12 colleagues were killed in a mass shooting 17 months ago."
"Hundreds of Navy Yard employees reclaimed Building 197 as their workplace Monday, returning for their first official day back since 12 colleagues were killed in a mass shooting 17 months ago."
Children With Guns
Children with Guns: Another 3 year old shoots mother; she was injured only.
"Investigators have determined the shooting was accidental."
"Investigators have determined the shooting was accidental."
Which means, no charges for allowing a 3 year old access to a loaded weapon.
GUNSENSE: Arkansas Campus Carry Bill
Arkansas House Bill 1077 would allow faculty and staff to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.
From our colleagues at Arkansans Against Guns on Campus:
"We need all hands on deck. HB 1077, to permit faculty and staff to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, is being heard in the House Education Committee this week (tomorrow and Thursday). We need your voices loud and clear to members of the House Education Committee. Please contact them. This is the last chance you will have to keep Arkansas' colleges safe from guns. Please be respectful in tone and ask they to vote against HB 1077 because it will not make college campuses safer in Arkansas.
In the last two states to approve this law, the immediate effect was to INCREASE the number of campus shootings.
Idaho approved this law in 2014 and it was immediately followed by a shooting at Idaho State University in September 2014. A professor shot himself in the foot with his concealed handgun in a classroom with 19 students.
Colorado approved this law in 2012 and it was immediately followed by a shooting at the University of Colorado Dental School. A staff person shot herself and a coworker with her concealed handgun in an office with other coworkers.
Email these representatives on the Education Committee tonight, if possible! Thank you all for you support!"
In the last two states to approve this law, the immediate effect was to INCREASE the number of campus shootings.
Idaho approved this law in 2014 and it was immediately followed by a shooting at Idaho State University in September 2014. A professor shot himself in the foot with his concealed handgun in a classroom with 19 students.
Colorado approved this law in 2012 and it was immediately followed by a shooting at the University of Colorado Dental School. A staff person shot herself and a coworker with her concealed handgun in an office with other coworkers.
Email these representatives on the Education Committee tonight, if possible! Thank you all for you support!"
--Arkansans Against Guns on Campus, via facebook
Representative Bruce Cozart
Representative Sheilla E. Lampkin
Representative Charles L. Armstrong
Representative Scott Baltz
Representative Nate Bell
Representative Gary Deffenbaugh
Representative Charlotte V. Douglas
Representative Jon S. Eubanks
Representative Jeremy Gillam
Representative Bill Gossage
Representative Michael John Gray
Representative Justin T. Harris
Representative Grant Hodges
Representative Greg Leding
Representative Mark Lowery
Representative Mark D. McElroy
Representative Reginald Murdock
Representative James Ratliff
Representative Warwick Sabin
Representative John W. Walker
Sunday, February 1, 2015
GUNSENSE at the National level
GunSense Progress!
"The only piece of gun legislation agreed on by both the House and Senate in 2014 was the Omnibus Appropriations Act, which President Obama signed into law earlier this month. The measure calls for $73 million to help prevent felons, fugitives, and domestic abusers from buying guns. It also includes $75 million for a national school safety initiative."
"And in July, the Senate held its first-ever hearing on the ties between gun policy and domestic violence."
"The Senate also confirmed Dr. Vivek Murthy as U.S. surgeon general after his nomination was held up for more than a year. Murthy faced opposition from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and some Republican members of Congress for supporting gun control measures and calling gun violence a threat to public health.
Murthy’s victory in December was the first loss for the NRA in the Senate since 2010, which marks a “harbinger of things to come in this country,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America."
GUNSENSE: Nevada background checks
Nevadans for Background Checks
"Nevadans for Background Checks have turned in the largest number of signatures ever gathered for a ballot initiative in Nevada. The initiative would require background checks for all gun sales. If the Legislature fails to pass the bill this year it will go directly to voters as a ballot measure in 2016."
Gun laws: Colorado GOP filing 7 bills
Gun laws: Colorado GOP to file 7 bills
"... among the seven bills to be presented by Republicans, three will try to overturn some of the most debated measures of that session, which involve ammunition magazines and background checks."
"... among the seven bills to be presented by Republicans, three will try to overturn some of the most debated measures of that session, which involve ammunition magazines and background checks."
Gun bills to be heard Monday by House and Senate committees:
HB 1049, by Rep. Justin Everett, R-Littleton: Adds a place of business to the locations that may be defended with deadly physical force and specifies that an owner, manager or employee of a business is immune from criminal prosecution and civil liability for defending a place of business using deadly physical force.
HB 1127, by Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt, R-Colorado Springs: Establishes immunity from certain civil actions for owners and operators of businesses open to the public who adopt a policy allowing persons to carry a concealed handgun on the premises.
HB 1009, by Rep. Steve Humphrey, R-Severance:Repeals the ban on the possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines.
HB 1086, by Rep. Patrick Neville, R-Castle Rock:Requires the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to produce in a certain time frame certificates allowing for the transfers of machine guns, destructive devices or other firearms or explain why, in that time frame, it was denied.
HB 1050, by Rep. Janak Joshi, R-Colorado Springs: Repeals the requirement that anyone besides a licensed gun dealer who transfers possession of a firearm must obtain a background check on the transferee from the CBI and get CBI approval; and repeals the requirement that CBI charge a fee for performing a background check.
SB 1086, by Sen. Kent Lambert, R-Colorado Springs: Same as HB 1050.
SB 32, by Sen. Vicki Marble, R-Fort Collins: Allows a person who can legally possess a handgun under state and federal law to carry a concealed handgun in Colorado without a permit.
Children with guns: New Mexico 3 year old
A good 3 year old with a gun.
Little boy finds a gun in a woman's purse, shoots his own father in the hip. The bullet continues on to hit the woman in the shoulder. She is 8 months pregnant. Both adults will recover.
Charges may be filed, please note that this is only sometimes the case.
Little boy finds a gun in a woman's purse, shoots his own father in the hip. The bullet continues on to hit the woman in the shoulder. She is 8 months pregnant. Both adults will recover.
Charges may be filed, please note that this is only sometimes the case.
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