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Monday, February 23, 2015

Armed Society: Adjusting a holster leads to gun owner's death

Self-inflicted gun shot ends woman's life

"A WOMAN died after accidentally shooting herself in the head while adjusting a gun she kept in her bra holster."

"Christina Bond, 55, a former US navy officer, was looking down the barrel of the .22-calibre revolver when she accidentally pulled the trigger and shot herself in the eye."

"Carrie Lightfoot, owner of the Well Armed Woman store, told the USA Today newspaper that bra holsters were growing in popularity."

Armed Society: A Gun on Every Corner (NYTimes)

NY Times, Gail Collins: A Gun on Every Corner

"The N.R.A. doesn’t want to recruit members by arguing for Texans’ right to wave a pistol around the small appliance department at Target. It wants a big, meaty challenge — like fighting for looser gun regulation in states where the populace doesn’t want looser gun regulation."

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Armed society: Concealed Carry’s Body Count

NY Times: Concealed Carry’s Body Count

"In America’s endless debate about gun rights versus public safety, there should be no disputing the hard facts in a new report on gunshot fatalities showing that at least 722 nonself-defense deaths since 2007 were attributable to individuals with legal permits to carry concealed weapons."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Documentary about Jordan Davis wins award at Sundance

Documentary about Jordan Davis wins special jury award (social impact) at Sundance

"On Black Friday 2012, four middle-class African-American law-abiding teenagers stopped at a gas station to buy gum and cigarettes. One of them, Jordan Davis, argued with Michael Dunn, a white man parked beside them, over the volume of music playing in their car. The altercation turned to tragedy when Dunn fired 10 bullets at the unarmed boys, killing Davis almost instantly. The seamlessly constructed, riveting documentary film 3½ MINUTES explores the danger and subjectivity of Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense laws by weaving Dunn's trial with a chorus of citizen and pundit opinions, and with Jordan Davis's parents' wrenching experiences in and out of the courtroom."